Something Giving, and Whatnot....
So having just gotten off the phone with the husband (I'm allowed to call him that, he started it on his blog), I've realized something's got to give. And I'm not alluding to the terrible-looking film (I won't out-and-out call a film terrible without actually having seen it, but I will readily acknowledge how terrible it seems likely to be). I'm just talking about my life. Certain things about my current routine just aren't clicking with me, and I've got to make some changes, and I've got to get proactive about it. And I'm taking steps - good steps - but I think I need to vent more often, in a manner other than calling the husband bitching and moaning. It's not always productive, it's not always fair to him, and - dammit! - he's not always at his desk when I want him to be!
So here you are. Here I am. Here we go.
So here you are. Here I am. Here we go.
It's not that you're not always welcome to call me and bitch as needed, but I'm hardly going to discourage this either, am I?
Also, I wish to be known as "the man."
blerg3000, at 6/20/2006 4:53 PM
Um... no.
To both statements above.
mcm, at 6/21/2006 9:20 AM
You could compromise and call him "the little man" as in the masculine version of "the little woman". :)
Anonymous, at 6/21/2006 9:41 AM
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